Mercedes-Benz 策略聚焦暨展前记者会Mr. Mayer's Speech-超级汽车网
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导读 厂商:宾士汽车股份有限公司发布日期:2015 12 17Mercedes-Benz「Leading to The Future -极智•未来」深耕带动产业跃升引领车展趋势


Mercedes-Benz「Leading to The Future -极智•未来」

Mercedes-Benz 策略聚焦暨展前记者会
Mr. Mayer's Speech
Pre-TAS Media Announcement 17th December, 2015

各位先生女士,亲爱的媒体朋友们,谢谢你们今天下午拨空参加车坛年 度盛事2016世界新车大展的展前记者会。而宾士全体同仁与各位一 样感到非常兴奋并期待这场空前盛事的到来!

在,2015年对我们来说是令人感动的一年,我们破记录的发表了 14 辆新车型并在这星期,正式冲破惊人的2万辆的新车挂牌数!

在全球市场,我们更欢庆公司史上最佳11月销售数字,单月新车销售高 达162,000辆,也累积了高达170万辆的销售数字(+13.9%) !到11月为 止,总新车销售量甚至超越了 2014年全年的数量!

在过去几年,宾士卓越的成长且连续7年稳站豪华进口汽车龙头! 如此丰硕的成果,是专业而且坚定的经销伙伴们,持续不懈致力于提供 最优异的产品及服务给我们的消费者们。

成功的新世代豪华小型车(NGCC)策略和具有远见的产品策略。不但成功 吸引了新世代消费者,并为品牌成长打下重要的基础。同时,原有的 C-Class、E-Class、S-Class仍维持各自级距领导的地位。我们更以极致豪 华的Mercedes-Maybach与极致性能的Mercedes-AMG全新定义品牌架构。

我们也持续的推动全方位的品牌服务体验。透过My Choice及全新打造 的数位化服务Service App与Xentry Portal为车主量身打造最个人化与 便利的服务体验。

除了世界上最棒的产品和服务,我们持续执行经销商通路拓展计画,投 资超过数以百亿新台币软硬体升级,以提供一个更为现代奢华的品牌体 验。这不仅表明我们对经济和市场的信心,也是传达我们对车主们的感谢。

身为汽车的发明者,Mercedes-Benz不断研发尖端科技导人市场。现今,许多由Mercedes-Benz首先导入的革命性的安全科技,已成为汽车产业的普世价值,并守护数百万人的生命安全。今年,我们更引进智慧驾驶辅助糸统到。我相信,这将开启汽车产业的新纪元,并更将带领产 业朝自动化驾驶的明日世界迈进。

身为汽车产业的领导者是不够的,最重要的是成为一个值得信赖的产业 领导者。在今年初的媒体春酒时,我们再度强调成为企业公民标竿的决 心。今年,我们在文化活动的赞助,慈善事业的参与,以及环保复育方 面的努力更荣获天下杂誌的企业社会责任奖的认同。我们将秉持此决心 与经销商伙伴们和客户一同持续致力回馈社会。

坚持品牌承诺「The Best or Nothing」,今年Mercedes-Benz将2016世界新车大展带到一个全新的境界。为了推动与国际接轨,我们促使台北市 汽车代理商业同业公会扩展到南港展览馆。并展示了几近全面的产品。 Mercedes-Benz的展区以国际车展规格,从都会小车smart到宽敞的 V-Class,以确保我们的品牌能够全面的呈现在您眼前。我们相信,以台 湾在全球汽车供应链中的重要地位,理所当然该聚焦在世界的目光之下!

为了实现我们的品牌承诺’现在,我很幸奋地宣布’ Mercedes-Benz在 2016世界新车大展的核心主题为「Leading to The Future •极智•未来」。 在这场盛宴中,我们要向您展示自动驾驶的未来世界,性能驾驭的热情 和都会交通的解决方案。

正如我上週在AMG旗舰中心的启动典礼上所说’我们将把AMG GT3 带到2016世界新车大展中。AMG GT3是Mercedes-AMG全新客户赛事 的夺冠杰作,专为赛道而生的速度机器。感谢我Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1车队的赛道成功经验,将许多赛车精华转移到我们的产品上,而这些 性能猛兽也将在2016世界新车大展中出没,您绝对不容错过这难得的机会。

能让我更为振奋的是:未来车F015 - Luxury in Motion !您听的没错! 各位! F015即将在2016世界新车大展中现身!
F015是移动科技的未来,更是自动驾驶技术的标竿。F015所呈现的不 仅仅是未来科技,更代表着对整个社会和对移动概念的巨大转变;F015 除了展示了没有人为疏失且更安全的未来,更是Mercedes-Benz擘划汽 车成为人类个人与生活空间进一步延伸的愿景。

• 我们从来没有在的车展中感到如此兴奋,我保证你们一定会非常喜 欢我们将在2016世界新车大展中所呈现的一切。在我请我的同事林家 庆协理上来与各位分享更多惊喜的细节之前,我将播放一段关于F015 的介绍影片!谢谢大家!

Mr. Mayer's英文致词稿原稿:

Mr. Mayer's Speech
Pre-TAS Media Announcement 17th December, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, dear media friends, thank you for joining us this afternoon on the eve of the 2016 Taipei International Auto Show, the biggest event on the automotive calendar 2015 here in Taiwan. Our entire team at Mercedes-Benz Taiwan is very excited and looking forward to our biggest brand event ever.

2015 was a sensational year for us here in Taiwan with 14 new vehicles launched and record sales. Just this week, we already surpassed the magic number of 20,000 Mercedes-Benz vehicles.
Globally, we celebrated the best November in company history with close to 162,000 vehicles delivered to customers. Our sales in the first 11 months of 2015, nearly 1.7 million vehicles (+13.9%), have already surpassed our 2014 year total.

In just the past few years, Mercedes-Benz in Taiwan has grown significantly and has taken the leading position for 7 consecutive years. This achievement comes from our relentless efforts in providing the best products and services to our customers, in close cooperation with our professional and committed dealer network.

The visionary product strategy to introduce NGCC has proven extremely successful. It brings a new generation customers to the brand and lays a solid foundation for future growth of the brand, while our traditional C-, E-, S-Class still sustain their leading position in respective segments. We have also further sharpened the positioning of our sub-brands Mercedes-Maybach for ultimate luxury, as well as our performance brand Mercedes-AMG.

We also continue to launch new service initiatives that provide our customers an all-around brand experience. Customers can tailor-made their service programs under My Choice. Innovative digital solutions like our Service App and Xentry Portal enable the most personal and convenient service experience.

In addition to world-class products and services, we continue with the implementation of our Network Project. Our dealers are investing billions of Taiwan dollars in hard- and software upgrades to deliver a modern luxury brand experience. It demonstrates not only our confidence on Taiwan market and future economy, but also our appreciation to the customers.

•Being the inventor of automobile, Mercedes-Benz keeps inventing and brings cutting-edge technologies to the market. Many revolutionary safety technologies that were first launched by Mercedes-Benz are now the standard in the industry and protect millions of people's life. This year marks another milestone with the introduction of Intelligent Drive to Taiwan. I believe, it will open another chapter in automobile industry, and lead the way to the future of autonomous drive.

•Being the leader in the industry is not enough, being a trusted leader is essential. At the spring wine gathering at beginning of the year, we highlighted our commitment to be a good corporate citizen operating here in Taiwan. This year, the prestigious Commonwealth 2015 CSR Award has recognized our efforts in cultural event sponsorship, charity engagement, and environmental protection. We will definitely continue with this philosophy, and engage our dealers and customers to give back to society.

•In line with our brand promise "The Best or Nothing", Mercedes-Benz will take Taipei Auto Show to a completely new level. To underline the international standard of the exhibition, we suggested TADA to expand the venue to Nankang Exhibition Hall. Our booth following global Mercedes-Benz standards hosts almost the entire product line-up, from smart to our spacious Van, we made sure the brand is presented all around. We believe Taiwan deserves this kind of spotlight, also considering Taiwan's important position in the global automobile supply chain.

•To live on our commitment, now, I'm very excited to announce that the core theme for Mercedes-Benz at 2016 Taipei Auto Show is "Leading to the Future.” We are going to show you the future of autonomous drive, the passion on driving performance, and solutions for urban mobility.

•As I announced last week in AMG Performance Center launch event, we will bring AMG GT3 to the auto show. AMG GT3 is designed by

Mercedes-AMG as the next championship vehicle for our customer race series. Thanks to the success of our Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team, we have incorporated many racetrack technologies into our production vehicles. Don't miss all those beasts at our show.

•What excites me more is this: the concept F015 - Luxury in Motion! Yes, everybody, the F015 IS COMING TO TAIWAN!!

•F 015 is the future of mobility and is the benchmark for autonomous drive. The vehicle represents more than just future technology - it represents a complete transformation of society and mobility as we know it. F 015 is not only representing the vision of a safer future without human error, but also underlines the attitude of Mercedes-Benz to shape the fUture of the automobile as an extension of our personal and living space.

•We have never been so excited for an auto show here in Taiwan, and I promise you will enjoy what we have in store for you. Before I invite my colleague, Kim, to share more amazing details about the show, I'd like to show you a brief introduction to the hero car,the F015! Xie Xie Da Jia!